Special Occasions
Islam is a comprehensive religion that contains all forms of good for humanity. It is a broad message to human beings wherever they are and in whatever era (they live). Hence why, it is suited for every place and time. This section covers selected topics that a Muslim must know during special occasions and other circumstances.

Rulings of the Winter Season
Islam is a comprehensive religion. It shapes all aspects of life in order that it can be connected to the All-powerful Creator. It is adorned with lofty aims and wise unique expressions. Hence, a believer is able to carry out acts of worship that lead him to achieve that. The winter season is closely connected to many legislative rulings that cover a wide range of subject matters, pertaining to purification, prayer, attire and rain etc. In this unit, with the permission of Allah, we will delve into some of these rulings.

Rulings for going on Journeys.
Islam is a way of life. It is connected with all of a person's circumstances while he is at home and away, taking a rest or moving around in times of seriousness and idle play. Journeys are a part of the social lifestyle. Likewise, it has many rulings that Allah wants us to know and act upon and things we should avoid and leave. In this unit, we will touch upon some of these rulings.

Epidemics and Diseases
Epidemics and diseases are from Allah's decree that befalls Muslims and non-Muslims alike. However, the Muslims dealing with the affliction is not like others. They deal with it with patience, exhaust all the legislated means to avoid it before it befalls them, and seek to cure themselves if it befalls them.