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Lesson The Adhan (Call to Prayer)

Allah has prescribed the call to prayer for Muslims; To call people to prayer and inform them of the start of the prayer. In this lesson, you will learn about the adhan and the iqama (call to the beginning of the congregational prayer).

  • Awareness of the adhan.
  • Awareness of the iqamah.
  • Learn about the virtue of repeating after the one making the adhan (Mu-adhin)

The Adhan

Allah legislated the adhan to call the people to the prayer and inform them of the onset of its time.

And He legislated the iqamah to inform them of the time of commencement of the prayer and its start.

How Was Adhan Legislated?

The Muslims, when they came to Madinah, would gather then wait for the prayers and no one would call it. So they spoke about that one day so some of them said "Take on a bell like the bell of the Christians". And some said "A horn like the horn of the Jews." So Omar said "Would you not send a man to call the prayer?" The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said «O Bilal, stand then call the prayer» (Al-Bukhari 604, Muslim 377).

The Ruling of Adhan and Iqamah

Adhan and iqamah are obligatory upon the congregation not the individual. If they leave it off intentionally, their prayer is valid with the sin.

How Does the Muethin (Caller) Call to the Prayer?

It is legislated to deliver the adhan with a loud, fine voice such that people hear then come to the prayer.

The Form of the Adhan

Listen to the Adhan

The caller to prayer adds to the call of the Fajr Prayer: "Prayer is better than sleep, prayer is better than sleep" after saying: "Hurry to success."

The Form of the Iqamah

Repeating After the Muethin

It is mustahab (rewardable) for who hears the adhan to repeat after the muethin so they should say exactly like what the muethin says, except if the muethin says: "hayya 'alas-salah" or "hayya 'alal-falah" then they say "la hawl wa la quwwata illaa billah" (There is no ability or might except with Allah). Then who listened to the adhan says after repetition of it "Allahuma rabba hathihi-da'watu-taammati was-salatil-qa'imah, ati Muhammadan-alwaseelata wal-fadeelah, wab'ath-hul-maqamal-mahmooda-althi waa'adtah" (O Allah, Lord of this complete call and the established prayer, grant Muhammad the means to gaining closeness and favor, and resurrect him in the praiseworthy station that you promised).

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