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Lesson The Testimony of Faith: "There is no deity except Allah"
Islam places the declaration of monotheism "there is no deity but Allah" in the highest of ranks.
The status of the saying "there is no deity but Allah"
Therefore, the declaration that "there is no deity but Allah" is the greatest and most important of obligations.
The meaning of "There is no deity except Allah":
That is, there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah alone, for it is the negation of divinity from anything other than Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, and its affirmation of all of divinity belongs to Allah alone with no partner.
Meaning of "Al-Ilah": The deity to whom hearts are submissive, so glorify it, call upon it, fear it, and hope for it. Whoever submits to something, humbling himself before it, loving it, and hoping for it has taken it as a deity and an idol. And all of those deities are false except for one, and He is the Lord, the Creator, Blessed and Most High.
For He, Glory be to Him, is the One who deserves to be worshipped to the exclusion of others, and He is the one whom hearts must worship with love, reverence, veneration, humiliation, submission, fear, reliance, and supplication towards Him. Therefore, only Allah deserves to be called upon. Only Allah is sought for aid, none is relied upon except for Him, no one is prayed to except Him, and no animal is slaughtered to be sacrificed except to Him. For Glory be to Him, the Most High. As Allah, Most High said: {And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in religion} (Al-Bayinah:4).

And whoever worships Allah the Exalted sincerely, embodying the meaning of "there is no deity but Allah," he will attain great happiness, joy, happiness, and a dignified and good life. There is no true comfort for the hearts, and there is no reassurance and peace of mind except by singling out Allah the Exalted in worship, as Allah, the Most High, said: {Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life} (An-Nahl: 97).

Pillars of the Testament of Faith: "There is no deity except Allah"
All forms of worship are directed to Allah alone, who has no partner, so whoever directs any part of them to other than Allah has ascribed partners to Allah. As the Allah, the Almighty, said: {And whoever invokes besides Allah another deity -for which he has no proof- then his account is only with his Lord. Indeed, the disbelievers will not succeed.} (Al Mu'minun:117)
The meaning of “there is no deity except Allah” and its pillars came in the Quranic verse: “So whoever disbelieves in evil and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it.” (Al-Baqarah: 256). His saying: (So whoever disbelieves in evil): is the meaning of the first pillar (there is no god), and his saying: (and believes in Allah): is the meaning of the second pillar (but Allah).