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Lesson Zakah: Its Essence and Its Objectives

Zakah is the third pillar from the Pillars of Islam. In this lesson, we will learn about its essence, its objectives, and the wisdom of its legislation.

  • Learning the essence of zakah
  • Learning the objectives of its legislation
  • Learning the types of those entitled to zakah


Zakah is the third pillar of the Pillars of Islam. It is a financial obligation Allah mandated upon those have more than their needs to give a specified portion to the poor and needy and other than them from those entitled to remove their suffering.

The Objectives of Zakah

1. Verily, the love of wealth is human nature that causes the human to be keen about preserving and holding it with utmost keenness. So religious law required that zakah be fulfilled as a purification for the soul from the baseness of stinginess and withholding, and a treatment to the love of the wordly life and holding onto its contents. Allah Exalted said ﴾Take a donation from their wealth to sanctify them and purify them with﴿ [At-Taubah: 103]

2. Fulfilling zakah attains the basis of connection and affection, because the human soul was ingrained upon loving whom does good to it. By means of that, the individuals of Muslim society live loving and holding onto to each other like a bonded structure, its parts holding onto each other, and it reduces the instances of theft and seizure and running off with others property.

With zakah, the meaning of worship and unconditional humility and complete submission to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, is fulfilled. So when one who has more than his needs extracts the zakah of his wealth, they are applying the legislation of Allah, implementing his order. In extracting it is thanks to the one bestowing favor, Grand and Exalted, for that favor, and Allah rewards upon this thanks. He, Exalted, said ﴾If you give thanks, I will indeed increase you﴿ [Ibrahim: 7]

4. By fulfilling it, the concept of social security and relative stability between the different groups of society is attained, for by extracting it to its entitled people, there remains no hoarded monetary resource in the hands of limited groups of society and monopolized for them. Allah Exalted says ﴾so that it does not circulate (exclusively) between the wealthy among you﴿ [Al-Hashr: 7]

On Whom is Zakah Spent?

Islam specified the recipients of spending which zakah is spent on. It is permissible for a Muslim to put in one type or more from these types, or give it to charity organizations and bodies that take up its distribution to those entitled to it from the Muslims. The more fitting option is to distributed in the land the payer of zakah resides in.

The Recipients of Zakah (the Types of Those Entitled to Zakah)

Fuqaraa' (poor): the plural of faqeer, and it is who does not find anything at all or finds less than half of what suffices them for a year.
Masakeen (needy): plural of miskeen, and it is who finds half of their need or most of it for a year.
Those working upon it: they are the employed workers and collectors that the leader seeks help from to gather the zakah and distribute it.
Those whose hearts are reconciled: they are the elites that are obeyed in their people whose conversion to Islam is hoped for or the conversion to Islam of their equals, or strengthening their faith, or warding them off the Muslims, or those whom their harm is feared.
On (freeing) the necks: what is meant are the slaves with freedom contracts, that is, those who contracted with their owning masters for them to give them property so that they become free. It is permissible to buy a slave with it or to free Muslim war prisoners with it.
Debtors: they are those who took loans upon themselves - with the condition that the loan was for a permissible matter - then they were unable to repay, or they borrowed to fix affairs between people.
In the way of Allah: what is meant here are the voluntary warriors in jihad defending Islam and there is no compensation for them and no salary from the property of the Muslims.
The son of the way: they are the traveler whose means have been cut off outside their land, so they is given what reaches them their destination, with the condition that their travel not be haram (impermissible).

Allah Exalted said, clarifying the recipients of the obligatory zakah: ﴾The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who work upon them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarer﴿ [At-Taubah: 60]

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